The diverse work at Bonn Cathedral is not possible without financial support. We would therefore be very pleased if you would support Bonn Cathedral with a donation.

Donation opportunities

Traditional bank transfer: donation accounts:

Bonner Münster-Bauverein

Sparkasse KölnBonn
IBAN: DE88 3705 0198 1971 9719 71

Bonner Münster-Bauverein

Volksbank Bonn Rhein-Sieg
IBAN: DE85 3806 0186 0000 0040 14

Bonner Münster-Bauverein

Commerzbank Bonn
IBAN: DE03 3804 0007 0100 9224 00

Intended use: “Mein Bonner Münster”
Comment: „Münster-Bauverein“

Of course you will also receive a donation receipt. Up to 200 €, a copy of your bank statement will count as a donation receipt. If you are donating more than 200 €, please enter your postcode, street and house number in the corresponding field on the bank transfer form or send us an e-mail. You will then receive a donation receipt by post.

Donate online:


You can help Bonn Cathedral with one click >>: Donate directly online here!
Request bank transfer forms

We will be happy to send you a bank transfer form, which you only need to complete. Please provide us with your address details:

by phone on 0228/98588-0
by fax on 0228/98588-15
by e-mail >>


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